
Posts Tagged ‘networking’


October 2, 2008 1 comment

does anyone have a Squidoo page? honestly, i don’t know that much about it. what i do know is that i dig Seth Godin, and i dig that charitable aspect of it – that’s flipping sweet.

have any of you jumped on that ship?

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college//young adult ministry leadership roundtable

June 10, 2008 Leave a comment

a few months ago it was on my heart to connect with other folks that are leading college aged & young adult ministries. it began as inspiration and a longing for something that doesn’t exist. so the past few weeks have been a time of scoping it out and seeing if there were people that shared this, too.

now it’s going to happen, and i’m pumped. for a day at the breaking of july, other ministry leaders from around pennsylvania & new jersey (they need Jesus, too) are going to gather here in williamsport. a day of connecting, visioning, questioning, learning, and eating. i’m capping it at 12 people, and there are already seven people committed! pray for us, and the next weeks of preparation. and if you’re a college/young adult ministry leader or know one in the PA, NJ, NY, MD region, let me know if you’d like to be a part of this, too!

online chat

May 19, 2008 2 comments
does anyone post-college actually still use an online chat client with any regularity? in high school i used AIM occasionally, only because my parents only had dial up internet (remember that!?). college was ridiculous. there were actually many times i would chat with my room mate behind me online rather than turning around and speaking. plus, it was a great messaging service to see if friends down the hall wanted to go to dinner.

the past six months or so, probably 98% of the online conversations i’ve had have been with my wife over Google chat. that’s it. between texting, this blog, and now twitter, i just don’t use online chat anymore.

anyone else in the same boat?

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